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Into The Forest - A 360/VR Animation Project

A personal motion exploration of a kinetic CG environment that also translates to an immersive 360 degree / VR animation. 

The scene is a fantastical bioluminescent forest, featuring typography that reminds us to be more present in our surroundings. I used C4D and rendered with Octane panoramic camera and plugins like Forester.


Sound design by: Dan Dusko

FOREST (0-00-02-09)
Into The Forest - Breathe
IntoTheForest_AnimCam_IntoThe_v1_[0012-0120].png Comp 1 (0-00-02-27)
FOREST (0-00-08-20)
FOREST (0-00-12-16)
CINEMA 4D_2017-11-14_23-00-25
CINEMA 4D_2017-11-14_23-00-08
CINEMA 4D_2017-11-14_23-00-44
Please get in touch if you'd like some advice about your next project. I love creative problem solving just as much as creating unique visuals. 

© 2020 Caspian Kai

Vancouver, BC
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